201`6 MAD Deborah Wood

Why am I a nanny?

It’s all about the garbage trucks really. And the fire engines, diggers and cement mixers. And the bugs, spiders and shadows. The pigeons, seagulls and puppy dogs.

When I worked in an inner city child care centre and had a child in my care who loved the garbage trucks, I could search for pictures of garbage trucks or look for books about garbage trucks. Last Thursday, as a nanny, I sat on the front doorstep and put  socks, shoes, jacket and hat on Nicholas while he was mesmerised by the garbage truck.

When I worked in child care, I could organise an excursion to a fire station. Plan the day, complete the risk assessment and send home permission notes. As a nanny, I could take Ben around the corner to our local fire station (every day) and look in the windows, until one of our many firefighter friends would open the door.

I love the freedom! The freedom to chase their interests. The freedom to stand as long as we want and watch the spider or chase our shadows. The freedom to plan our day, change our minds, stop the pram or jump in the car.

Even better than this freedom though is the relationship I have with my nanny kids. I can follow their interests because I know them so well. I know, even before they can talk, which song they are requesting when they point to the harbour bridge. I know that even if this spider doesn’t move, we need to stand and watch him for five minutes as it will be the highlight of their day.

Why am I a nanny? Nannying gives me the time to know my children and the freedom to show them I love them.


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