2016 MAD Nannypalooza - MEZ

Once upon a time ....
in a nursery rhyme ....
there were three bears ....

Oh I’m sorry wrong audience...

Years ago my mother asked me “When are you going to get a real job?”  I’d had one before nannnying but it just really wasn’t for me.  Another comments I often hear is “so you get to play all day and get paid for it, it must be such a cushy job!!”

WELL ... let me tell you how cushy a job with a toddler is..  we start the day with breakfast, sounds easy right, but NO she is at that lovely age where she wants to start doing everything by HERSELF, weetbix are now mashed into the front of her pyjama's (not to mention the highchair, table and me!!) - luckily I hadn’t got her dressed yet.

Next is outside playtime, could be in the nice clean sandpit but no a muddy puddle is so much more exciting, look at the cause and effect she is learning by jumping, splashing and kicking the mud everywhere - now another set of clothes are needed before nap time.

Nap time, now that sounds like a great idea, (I’m sure I didn’t like naps when I was small but I definitely would love to have one now), while she’s asleep I’ll make myself a lovely hot cup of tea ....  too hot !!  Ok so I’ll quickly do the dishes, hang the next load of washing out (did I ever tell you how much washing a small creature can create!) and by then I can sit down for 30 seconds - you guessed it now my drink is too cold!! but I’ll drink it anyway because if I made another one I’ll never get to drink.

Afternoon activities have began, silly me I opted for painting the father’s day gift today.  Old clothes on her (and me), apron on, plastic sheets spread, paint, brushes and canvas at the ready but no matter how many drop sheets are out she still manages to make paint reach into spots not wanted.  I had organised to do it outside, on the grass, even thou I’d spread the HUGE plastic mat some still ended up on the grass which would have been fine EXCEPT that it was artificial turf - do you know how NOT easy it is to clean the artificial grass !!

Even if at the end of the day it’s not a REAL JOB and you get paid ‘peanuts’ you would have received lots on bonus’s throughout the day, you know those cuddles and sloppy kisses you get and if you really lucky you’ll even receive a bit of snot to top it all off.

It’s great to be appreciated !!

............................... Now don’t get me started on the tweens and teenagers, there you only get paid in ‘grunts’ and attitude!!

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